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About R.E.A.D., Inc.


Dolly Parton's dream of getting books to kids from birth to age 5 became a reality in Polk County.  But we need community support to continue our efforts here.

Ii may surprise many to learn that reading is not a natural ability.  In fact, it is probably the most difficult task we ask the young brain to undertake.  To become a successful reader, a child must learn what a word is, both printed and spoken, and know how it is different from numbers, letters, and sounds.  They must learn that print is read from left to right and from top to bottom.

Children learn much about reading and writing as infants and preschoolers by observing the reading which occurs in their families.  They realize that print communicates messages.  Research has shown the extreme importance of reading storybooks to young children in the home.  

Literacy plays an enormous role in every person's life here in Polk County.  Literacy increases the self-esteem of our children.  Literacy determines the road a child will follow as they grow, and who they will become as an adult.

R.E.A.D. was organized to give this gift of literacy to every child in Polk County.  To date, over 75% of the children in Polk County have either graduated from, or are currently part of the R.E.A.D. Program.  When these children begin as good readers, they will become literate adults and valuable members of our community.

How does R.E.A.D. do this?  As the local sponsor of Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, each child is sent a beautiful, age-appropriate book monthly in the mail from birth until their fifth birthday.  Imagine a child's excitement and anticipation of getting their own book every month.  The books are free to the children, and there is no obligation to your family.

We are 100% funded by donations and grants.  If you would like to donate and "Adopt a Reader", please click on the "Donate" button above to help increase literacy in Polk County.  Our future depends on it.


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