Give the Gift of Literacy-Adopt a Reader Today
NOTE: Our new mailing address is 2810 US Highway 190W, Suite 100, PMB167, Livingston, TX 77351
R.E.A.D is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and the sponsor of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in Polk County. In 2023 we enrolled our 2,000th reader, and we have graduated over 4,000 Polk County children.
Our current county population of preschool children is just under 3,000. Since our inception, we have touched the families of over 4,000 Polk County children, and distributed over 100,000 books. To be ongoing, we must have a sustaining income to pay the $2.12 a book for each child or approximately $3,000 each and every month.
Funds from our donors are used specifically for the books, which are free to our enrolled children. Overhead expenses, such as business cards, brochures, ads, web page, signs, etc., are donations given specifically for that use. All of our board members are volunteers.
Your tax-deductible donation virtually guarantees that a child will enter kindergarten with reading skills above those not enrolled in our program.
For your donation, we will publish your business ad and link, or your name on the "Sponsor" page of our website for a full year for each year you are a donor. Our website receives up to 2,400 visitors a month. Since this is Polk County-limited, most are potential customers.
We ask people to include endowments to READ in their wills. Grants, stocks, and cash donations are our base.
Attention Employers in Polk County
Do you have employees with children under 5 years of age?
Sponsoring your employee's children in the READ program is a great perk.
The cost is $25 per child per year.
The child receives an age-appropriate book each month in the mail (from birth to age 5) from The Dolly Parton Imagination Library.
The book is addressed to the child.
Your business will be listed as a sustaining sponsor on this website.
Your logo with a link to your web page will also be listed.
Thank you in advance for joining us in our gift of literacy to the pre-school children in Polk County.
Online Donations can be made by clicking the button to the right, or you can mail your tax-deductible donations to:
READ Polk County
2810 US Highway 190 West
Suite 100, PMB 167
Livingston, TX 77351
To make a donation, you do not need a PayPal account. Simply click the button below, enter the amount you wish to donate, and follow the onscreen instructions. You also have the option to make a recurring monthly donation.
Donor Categories:
$25 sends a book monthly for one year for one child.
$125 is a five-year scholarship for a child.
$250 covers two full scholarships.
$500 covers four full scholarships
$1000 or more will bring the gift of literacy to a minimum of eight children for five years.
Or, you can become a sustaining donor by donating the same amount each year.